Friday 2 June 2023

Takes A Long Look And Then The Kitchen Sink by The Noise Who Runs

Dark Electronic Rock band The Noise WhoRuns describe their single “Takes A Long Cold Look And Then The Kitchen Sink” from their album Preteretrospetive.

I’m still very happy with that giant title for a single. Commercial suicides R US. It was an old song, from 1996, so the last year of something like 18 years of non-stop Conservative governments, pretty much like there is in the UK now. And sometimes stuff you’ve forgotten about pops into your head and keeps popping up again and again, so I figure it’s happening for a reason and act on it. So I reworked pretty much completely, different chords, everything, but the lyrics to the verses must have been what I was after and they’re exactly what they were 27 years ago. Isn’t it alarming that the same lyrics could sum up the level of dissatisfaction, disgust and contempt with exactly the same problem as three decades ago, in another century? I find it more than alarming. From that point of view, Preteretrospective is kind of like your early warning alarm system kicking in - it’s an exploration in broad-strokes and microcosmic detail of the state of decay and neglect, the betrayal of the very short-lived ideals of the post-war dream and the aspiration to break the eternity of corruption and exploitation, sometimes general, sometimes personal, mostly both all at the same time. And it’s also weighing that in the context of the whole history of humanity and finding that nothing much has changed down the centuries and with the state of things so far this century, it genuinely has to.

With a perfect blend of Electronic and Rock elements while transitioning effortlessly through periods of quiet introspection and swirling hypnotic energy, “Takes A Long Cold Look And Then The Kitchen Sink”, is superbly produced. Nostalgic sounding vocals with emotive and haunting lyrics, the song envelopes the listener into a dark, beautiful and menacing sonic landscape. A thought provoking track “Takes A Long Cold Look And Then The Kitchen Sink, captivates listeners leading them entrancingly into the songs emotional depths. 

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