Sunday 26 June 2022

She 1 . Him 2

Cleveland based duo She 1 . Him 2 created their name, according to band member Evan Nave formerly of Lestat /PKS, to represent a mathematical equation.  She, being other duo member Cassie Bishop of Shymoon and He, Evan, 1 and 2.  The EP they are working on will be titled  “Equals Them“, answering the posed mathematical problem of their band name.  Nave says “I also like to think that you could say the name as a sentence as well, as in She won, Him too!“

After an exhausting second split with Lestat, that left Nave burnt out, he eventually got the itch to start writing music again.  Not wanting to do anything he had already done Nave decided to explore new wave, a tribute to his eighties childhood and what he describes as his “former geek self“.

Having already decided to create music out of his comfort zone, while Djing at the Chamber in Cleveland, he decided to team up with someone who was also new to electronic music.  Nave had known Bishop for awhile and approached her to participate in a collaboration which according to Nave “Luckily for me , she said yes and here we are.“

Bishop describes the main themes of She 1 . Him 2‘s music as “whatever emotion I am feeling at the moment I manifest it into lyrics on the fly“.  Bishop explains that whatever she is feeling the most passionate or inspired by is what she writes about.   Her creative process involves stopping wherever she is and writing when inspiration hits.  Bishop explains “There are times I schedule to work on music, which may or may not work out depending on how I am feeling in the moment.“

Finding inspiration in electronic acts like Sir Sly and Big Data, Nave feels that the resurgence of 80s bands touring and releasing new material has also been tantamount to the music they are creating.  Nave admits to a similar creative process to Bishop saying that at times he sets up for creating a song but he can’t necessarily switch into creative mode.  Nave mostly writes the music and Bishop then adds the lyrics and melody.  They look forward to also trying to have Bishop write the lyrics and melody and then have Nave add the music.  

Nave is involved in the aesthetics for the band.  For the first two singles, “Split The Line“ and “Spoken Words To Light“ Nave had the idea of creating  abstract representations of himself and Bishop.  It was his first attempt at painting and he was really happy with how the image turned out.  He also made choices about whether to go with words or logos or let the art speak for itself.  His decision for this project was to let the art do the talking.  For “Fame“ and the upcoming single “Stuck Inside“ the band employed the skills of photographer Ryan to capture an evocative image of a wall with dripping paint and a mix of red and blue lights.

In terms of live performances Bishop has a love hate relationship.  She enjoys it when she is on the stage and performing but has accompanying stress.  For Bishop live performances are successful when she is able to express her music and connect with the audience.  Nave says “If I could live on the stage I would.“ The instant gratification of people connecting to his music is everything to Nave.

She 1 . Him 2 would like to see their music in the media being used in movies and games.  They also have the new single “Stuck Inside“ due for release.  They are then going into writing mode with the hope that their EP “Equals Them“ will be released soon.  

Nave describes their music as “fun, danceable and a nice marriage between the New Wave movement of the 80s and some of the more recent EBM dance stuff“. The band encourages everyone new to the genre to just give their music a chance and have a listen.  


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