Tuesday 15 November 2022

Raven Said’s Album Chants To Dissolve



Goth Rock Revival duo Raven Said describes their new album Chants To Dissolve as

“ talking about those spiritual essence that represent a certain alchemical phase of Solve. From the invisible and inaudible flattering of a butterfly's wing to the deafening roar of the inescapable wave of the Coming Future.


Solve is a transitional process between the Nigredo and Albedo phases in basic Alchemy. Physically - an effort aimed at changing the composition, without an exact result (the transition to Albedo may not occur and the process will turn into Nigredo). In a philosophical context, this means that the future is not defined and there is only the possibility of one or another existence. A certain point of polyfurcation, a set of evolution.


Occultism, and in a wide sense - the desire to comprehend the secrets of human existence, to touch the forbidden, to go beyond the mind and feelings - are infinitely interesting things for reflection. I would say that we ourselves are melancholy-romantic persons, all this is close to us.  Our lyrics are more likely to have a special mysticism, expressing subtle metamorphoses of the human psyche, secret desires and passions filled with a sense of incomprehensibility and despair.”



Influenced by old-school Goth Rock the band describes their musical tastes and influences as retrospective with old-school Goth Rock and sprinkles of Glam Rock, guitar experiments of the 70s, Psychedelia of the 60s and Baroque music all serving as sources of inspiration.  The bands new album is awash in these very influences. 


“A Flowering and a Flattering”, the first track on Chants to Dissolve is an undulatory wave of haunting and strikingly retro sound taking the listener along a familiar yet excitingly new path.

The track “Transparent Sorrow” features guest vocalist Aeleth Kaven from La Scaltra whose vocals guide the listener through a thick and broody soundscape, fusing beautifully with the male vocals on the song.  “Except My Love For Her” is an old-school epic soundscape dragging the listener forward with entrancing vocals and haunting lyrics.  With a jarring, maniacal  sound “Sredni Vashtar” has exotic undertones and harsh imploring lyrics. “Immersive Waves” plunges the listener into a sea of whispered incantations with an undertow of hypnotic music.


Raven Said’s album Chants to Dissolve is a beautiful dark adventure riddled with little hidden secrets and gloomily enchanting discoveries. 

Links :

Bandcamp: https://ravensaid.bandcamp.com/album/chants-to-dissolve

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